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Why after i unlock object i cant move it

Some objects are locked by me to not allow them to move.
You can unlock them by doing these steps:
1- Click on this icon to open the instances list

2- In the instances list, you can search/select the object you want to unlock

3- Now you can move the object after it being unlocked.


This icon mean the object is unlocked and you can move it.

This icon mean the object is locked can't be moved but can be selected.

This icon mean the object is locked, can't be moved and can't be selected.

Thank you!

How to fix it?

That's because your game is not linked to a Firebase database, nor ICT server, please follow the step-by-step tutorial I wrote in the comments to fix it.
Main menu scene → first 2 comments from top.


Thx everything is working!!!

You should add public servers too as now IP is protected


Coming soon 😉

That's very good VegeTato. Great work


Thank you 😊